Well, it has been a crazy 4 months welcoming our little bundle Ethan in to the world.
Nothing can prepare you for a newborn baby and I don’t think anything will. They are lovable whirlwinds that take over your whole life. They need you 24/7 and that can take its toll some days when you have lack of sleep on your side.
The last 4 months Ethan has changed so much and I have learnt so much about being a parent. You never get to drink a hot cup of tea again unless you are very lucky and your baby loves sleep, Which Ethan most of the time does not!
Getting ready takes most of the morning and getting out of the house is like a military operation of have we got everything! Even just to walk Rex !
Washing is your new full time job and the house becomes your hub and you want it to look nice everyday which lets face it doesn’t always happen with Rex toys and now Ethan’s baby essentials. Our living room now resembles Mothercare!
Other things I’ve learnt about having Ethan is that I love him more than I ever thought possible.
He makes me smile everyday and I love the way he looks at me. The bond we share every day is just amazing and I can’t wait to see what little chap he is going to be.
Having a baby has definitely been a challenge from the day he was born; we have overcome a tongue tie and forceps delivery. Our breastfeeding journey has been a rocky one but we have come out the other side with great results which I am very pleased I stuck at.
Sleepless nights and not knowing wears wrong with them and changing routines to see what makes a difference and what doesn’t. Babies are very complicated creatures I have become to notice. Nothing seems to stick with them, they like things and then they don’t.
Even though there has been tough times I feel the good times outweigh the bad and I am so grateful everyday to have got my boy and to spend my days with Ethan and Rex. I am very excited for Ethan’s first Christmas with us it is going to be amazing.
Here’s to the next 4 months!
My Gorgeous Family!
Love us all xxx
Written by Sarah Beth, you can follow her on Facebook & Instagram