With Easter on the horizon, it’s time to start planning an Easter egg hunt!
Here are our favourite tips, hints, decor and kits to help you along the way…
Easter egg hunt kits
You can purchase kits that contain all you need for a wonderful hunt; this saves time and hassle if you don’t have time to sort every single individual element yourself. We love this kit from Etsy…
Easter hunt events in your area
Why not join in with a planned public event? It’s a great opportunity for you and the little ones to socialise.
The National Trust is hosting over 250 egg hunt events in partnership with Cadbury. You can find your local event here… I live near quite a few National Trust properties and have membership so that’s my Easter sorted!
Easter Themed Party Pieces
You could hold an egg hunt party! The garden is an ideal location if the weather is nice – failing that, your house is a good back up. We love these bunny themed party buffet plates from Etsy.
For the perfect Easter shindig, you need invitations! Be sure to impress your guests with these customisable invitations from Etsy…

Tesco have this hunt kit reduced (at the time of writing) so why not nab yourself a bargain? Click the image to see more.
For every hunt, you need somewhere to stash your swag – this woven basket may look basic but it’s the perfect crafting opportunity for an artistic child. Some glitter, glue, paper flowers and ribbon… boom! Easter basket!
If the weather is good, your garden goes without saying!
I wouldn’t advise using a public space like a park from a health & hygiene perspectives; you wouldn’t want your child picking up a lovely nugget of dog poop instead of an egg (c’mon, we can all see our toddler doing this…), plus you wouldn’t want the eggs being eaten by animals.
If it’s a rainy day, a home-based egg hunt is totally viable. Lock away any breakables/valuables/cleaning products out of reach and when the kids are in bed the night before, go on a sneaky hiding mission!
Game Ideas!
- Egg count; whoever finds the most wins a full sized Easter egg!
- Colour matching; split the children into teams of corresponding colours and whichever team finds the most of a certain colour wins a prize for each member!
- Guess how many eggs… fill a jar with mini chocolate eggs (take note of how many!) and the closest guess wins a prize.
- Blind Mans Bluff – Easter Edition! Take it in turns to blindfold a child (in a safe area), hide an egg and play ‘hotter or colder’ with each party guest.
If you’re having an egg hunt, I hope you and your wee ones have a fabulous time. Enjoy!
Love from Katie. Xx
Tell us all about your Easter egg hunts in the comments!
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