Why are we all so afraid to ask for help?
You need a dirty take away…you just eat so why not just ask? Imagine if it was that easy…like ordering a takeaway..a quick check of the menu and wayyhayy…there goes your bank balance….. but HELP! Most of the time…advice…is FREE and doesn’t put weight on.
I am terrible for it. I have an innate ability to just struggle on. I always have done. I see asking for help as a sign of weakness which is weird because I don’t think that of anyone else that asks for help, just me.
If I ask for help they will think I’m stupid, not good enough, she can’t cope. If I ask for help I have failed, I am unworthy and a fraud.
It isn’t the case. What’s the worst thing that can happen?…They say no, which is fine. So is it the fear of rejection?
Some days I wish I’d of just asked for help.
Henry has started school recently and I’m getting used to the whole school run. It’s really tough with a 1 year old and 8 month old…I really wanted to make a good impression at the school gates but it’s hard to do that when your dress is tucked inside your leggings and you have food in your hair! One time I’d just had my lashes done..so I looked pretty together that day.
You will chat to your friends, text but will not go out the house for days because it’s easier to hide behind your sweet pictures.
ANTISOCIAL MEDIA has a lot to answer for.
They ask you..how are you today?
You say I’m Fine.
(Actually no I’m not fine. I know I look fit in my Instagram picture and I look like a mother of the year but I’ve just scrubbed shit off the carpet this morning, fallen down the stairs, hit my head on the door, eaten 3 buns and cried hysterically for no reason what so ever).
You say FINE, GREAT THANKS… you are literally on your knees. Sometimes you just need a chat and a hug to know you’re not going crazy.
Motherhood is really hard. Friendships and family are important and I know who my people are. They have my back no matter what.
My door is always open if anyone needs me. I may not know the answer but I will listen to you and make you a coffee. You are not on your own in this.
A special thank you to my friends this week! I needed help…and I asked them…and I didn’t need to cry about it lol…
What you reckon…Instagram worthy? (I have filtered? No?)
Written by Stephanie Rich for her blog, For The Mother Of Sons.
Follow her on Instagram and Facebook!