Ever felt a bit ‘meh’ on Boxing Day? You’re not alone!
The ‘Boxing Day Blues’ are a real thing – you’ve had all the excitement and merriment of Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, so come Boxing Day, you’re probably feeling drained, bloated as heck, and depleted. Here are my handy tips for beating the Boxing Day Blues… they may seem common sense or a bit daft, but I swear by these each Christmas.
Water, water, water…
Drink as much water as possible – 8-10 glasses is recommended, or as much as you need for your urine to be a pale ‘straw’ colour. It sounds cliche, but water is fantastic stuff. Drinking lots of booze? Water! Eating lots of rich foods? Water! Tired from late nights of wrapping and early rising? Water! Water is vital for every single system in our bodies, and ensuring we remember to drink some lovely cool water is really important, and too easily forgotten especially when you’re surrounded by fizzy drinks and booze!
Get moving…
One big cause of the Boxing Day slump is the fact that so many people, after a manic Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, don’t do much come Boxing Day – totally fair enough and who doesn’t love getting cosy on the sofa eating leftovers? However, this can actually make you feel even more exhausted! Get them endorphins flowing with an invigorating family walk, a visit to friends and family, or even an active family activity like playing on the Nintendo Wii if you have one, or a game of twister. Making plans means you have something to look forward to beyond the excitement of the 24th and 25th.
This Christmas day, we’ll be going for a walk at either one of our local National Trust properties, or a National Forest site (we’re so lucky to live where we do!).
Have a clean-up…
If you’re anything like me, come Boxing day your house will look like a tornado in Santa’s Grotto. Dedicate a small amount of time, even if it’s only half an hour, to organising the house and presents, and binning wrapping paper and other bits that are cluttering the house. Run the vacuum around, catch up with a little washing up – you’ll feel energised by it and happier by being surrounded by a calmer, less chaotic home.
Start a Boxing Day Tradition…
Starting a tradition will give you something to feel excited and energised about each year! This could be a meal out somewhere your family love, a trip to the park, a long walk somewhere scenic… anything fun and memorable! Other ideas include;
- A family baking session.
- A film marathon.
- Visit the grandparents.
- Take Christmas boxes to your local nursing homes & children’s homes.
Purge old toys!
This is a super cathartic and resourceful way to spend Boxing Day – you’re bound to feel like you’ve achieved something once it’s done too. I’ll definitely spend some time going through toy boxes and drawers to throw away tatty and broken toys. Anything salvageable will be going to the charity shop.
And there we have it – some ways to beat the Boxing Day blues! What do you do to avoid feeling down in the doldrums post Christmas? Lert us know in the comments.
Love from Katie. Xx