Discovering language is an exciting thing for baby. It’s something that comes with time, however us mummies still play a critical part in baby’s language development. Here are some tips for helping your baby discover language. Practicing these everyday has to proven to have a hugely positive impact on your baby’s development.
Chitter chatter
Keep chatting away to baby throughout the day, explain everything that’s going on and where they are going. Ask them questions. ‘Are you hungry now?’ ‘Do you want some milk?’ Even though they may not understand, they will eventually start to associate some of the words you are saying with different places and activities. Try repeating words to baby while they are playing. Using repetitive language, like saying ‘Where’s it gone?’ each time you hide something, helps to embed words in their little minds.
Reading is the key
Don’t ever feel like baby is too young to be read a story. The sooner you start reading to them the better. Reading is a great way of encouraging language development. Babies who are read to often and from an early age are much more likely to become good readers in school.
Turn the music up
Music is an amazing stimulation for baby! Even better if it involves dance moves and movement too! It is thought that music not only helps babies with the development of their language, but also with memory and creativity too. It has also been proven that music helps babies detect emotions.
Expand on single words
Expanding on single words like Mama. Where is Mama? Mama loves you, this is a great way of helping baby expand on their vocabulary.
Encourage the Vowels
Encouraging your little one to make vowel-like and consonant-vowel sounds such as “ma,” “da,” and “ba” is great for babies, once they have these nailed, they can start expanding on them once they get older.