If your experience was anything like mine, as soon as people found out you were pregnant, the ‘helpful’ clichés started, and they didn’t stop when baby arrived.
Most I nodded politely at with a fixed smile on my face, with maybe a hidden eye roll to myself when they’d gone.
But bloody hell, most, if not all of them were annoyingly true. Don’t you just hate that?! A bit like the things I swore I wouldn’t do when I was a parent, which I then quickly went back on when Theo arrived and I realised just how naive I’d been.
Thanks to my lovely Facebook followers and my mums network group from work who chipped in to share their clichés to help compile this list…
1. Enjoy the early days, they grow up so quickly.
2. Rest as much as possible before the baby arrives, as you won’t get any when they’re here.
3. The days are long, but the years are short.
4. Sleep when the baby sleeps.
5. You won’t remember what life was like before baby was here.
6. You’ll never be able to just leave the house in five minutes again.
7. You and your partner will mainly talk about baby poo.
8. You’ll wonder what you did with all your spare time before baby arrived.
9. Getting yourself and baby out of the house before lunchtime is a win.
10. You’ll start off buying beautiful wooden toys…and then end up filling your house with noisy, plastic monstrosities in the hope of getting five minutes of peace.
11. You won’t care about leaving the house with baby sick on your clothes…or even look bother looking in the mirror some days!
12. Life will never be the same.
13. You don’t know the meaning of the word tired until you have a baby.
14. You’ll really appreciate time to yourself.
15. You’ll never wee or shower alone again!
16. Someone in the house will always be ill once you have a child at nursery.
17. Being a parent is a full-time job.
18. You’ll never drink a hot cup of tea again.
19. It’s the hardest thing you’ll ever do.
And, realising that many of the things above aren’t overly positive, the most important of all…
20. You’ve never felt love like the love you feel for your own child.
What have we forgotten? Please do share below!