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by Me Against Myself

10 Ideas To Help You Get Motivated

Recently I went on a lovely week holiday with my family. We spent the week exploring, sitting on the beach surrounded by beautiful scenery and having plenty of family time. I’m lucky to be close to my parents and siblings so a week away with them was exactly what was needed. There’s something about getting away from the mundane everyday routine that helps to reset and refresh you. I barely had any chores to do that week. No lists of jobs to accomplish each day. I just had to embrace the holiday. So I did. But coming home was difficult.

Feeling Blue.

It always is difficult. I always get the post holiday blues and nothing ever prepares me for them. Even though I get them each year, I still struggle. Which got me thinking, my life isn’t plain sailing. Even though I am doing a lot better with my anxiety, I still get my low moods. I still get my bad days and weeks. So, what motivates me to getting into a better mind frame and get on with everyday mundane life?

Here is a list of what motivates me with some ideas on how this can help motivate you.

  • My children. The thought of my children always motivates me. I either want the absolute best for them, or I want them to be proud of me. When life is dragging me down, I look to them and remember that I want them to have the best childhood and as many adventures as possible. I try to make everything into an adventure and we use a countdown board to the next special date that we’re looking forward to, whether that’s the next family member’s birthday or a weekend away. If you have a special someone in your life, focus on them and some special activities you can do together.
  • Music. Upbeat, positive and motivational music always gets me going. If I’m having a down morning and finding it hard to get on with my jobs for the day, I always choose an uplifting play list on Spotify. Listening to music helps to get my rhythm going. Try making a special playlist with all of the songs that get you motivated so you can listen to it whenever you need to.
  • Lists. I love writing lists and then ticking items off. They hugely help to motivate me. I feel so accomplished when I see chores and jobs crossed off, this keeps me going. Treat yourself to a list pad and start to organise your to-dos onto paper.
  • Fresh starts. A fresh start, such as a new season helps to cleanse my mind and allow me to think of new beginnings, which usually helps to make me feel clearer and more positive. Next time the seasons change, allow it to be a cleanse of your life and try to think of it as a new beginning.
  • Taking care of my physical health. When I eat healthily, exercise and get into a good routine of self-care, it really helps to look after me mentally as well. Try eating a more healthy and varied diet and make sure to get in some regular weekly exercise and see how you feel after a month.
  • Inspirational, positive quotes. Look at my blog post on quotes here and how they help with my anxiety. This Success and Inspiration in a Jar looks amazing and would make a great gift for someone too.
  • The seaside, beach and ocean always helps. There is something so calming about looking out at the sea and feeling a sense of immense stillness. The world is huge, and looking out at the sea makes problems seem that little bit smaller. Take yourself on a stroll down to the beach, whether that’s sunbathing in the day time or strolling alongside the stars and the sea in the evening. It’ll help to boost your mental health and leave you more motivated the next day.
  • Scenery, countryside and the fresh air. Another place I love to go to is the countryside, I love looking out at beautiful scenery and feeling at peace. Sometimes looking out at the countryside, it reminds me of how beautiful the world and life can be. Getting out in fresh air is really good for the soul too. Whenever you’re next feeling in a slump, go for a walk with some scenic surroundings- even if it’s raining! It’ll help to pull you out of the slump.
  • Family weekends and being peaceful. Family weekends and being around those that I am nearest to always manages to calm my anxiety down and help me to feel boosted and more positive. Family is the place where unconditional love and support resides, try spending some time with yours and see how a peaceful weekend can help you.
  • Good friends. I am very lucky to have good friends around me. It’s true what they say, about having a circle around you that reflects your best interests and values. Since I have been through counselling, I am now more careful with who I choose to have as friends. I want positive, healthy friendships. Read my blog post on how to tell if your friendships are healthy here. Now I have a positive, healthy circle around me and I know that these friends want me to win and succeed and they help to pick me up whenever I am feeling down.

Practising Motivational Ideas To Form A Habit

By recognising when you need a motivational lift, you can try a few different ideas to figure out what helps you. By practising one of these and making one become a daily habit, or weekly habit, it pushes to make sure goals and accomplishments happen. By being motivated, it helps to manage anxiety and depression and boost your mental wellbeing.

What helps to motivate you? Let me know in the comments below.

A trip to the seaside will help to boost your wellbeing and calm your anxiety

Written by Gayleen for her blog, Me Against Myself Blog.

You can follow her on Facebook here.

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