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You Know You're A Mummy When...

We asked members of our Bump, Baby and You Group to complete the sentence “You know you’re a mummy when…” – and we received some cracking responses! Read some of them below and see how many of them ring true for you!  And don’t forget to leave a comment if you have any to add!


You know you’re a mummy when you use baby wipes to clean literally everything – Candis Long

You know you’re a mummy when managing to wash your hair more than once a week is a luxury – Jessica Woods

You have an audience while going to the bathroom – Natalie Crampton

You end up getting in debt buying baby clothes yet you look like a slob – Bethany Collings

Baby sick is your new fragrance & you forget what hot food tastes like – Tammy Burbidge


You know you’re a mummy when you have to play the guessing game of ‘Oh God is it poo or chocolate’ – Serena Keetley

You know you’re a mummy when having a boob on display 10 times a day is totally normal! – Anna Simpson

You go shopping for food and come out with baby clothes , baby food , nappies and not a single thing you went in for – Francesca Nicole Riley

You know you’re a mummy when dry shampoo is your best friend! – Emma Mcelhatton

You know your a mummy when you start smelling your babies bum! – Kerrie White

When smelling for poo becomes the everyday norm!! – Callie Jade Meredith

When your house looks more like Toys R Us than Toys R Us does – Clare Bentley

When you are so tired you put the kettle in the fridge and your purse in the microwave – Michelle Haden

You sing itsy bitsy spider to your baby in their bouncy chair whilst having a poo – Le-Anne Waghorn

You have more baby things in your bag than you do for yourself! – Amber Rowe

You know you’re a mummy when you’ve learned to enjoy a cold cup of tea! – Sarah Greenough

When you can’t tell the difference between chocolate and poo and don’t even hesitate to stick a nose in it! – Jessica Burns


You find yourself standing in the queue at Tesco swaying, when your hubby and baby are at home – Amy Lewis

When you sing all the songs from CBeebies and Disney Junior instead of what’s in the charts! – Kate Kemp

When cleaning the house is some alone time. Going to the toilet becomes a race against time before they notice you’re gone and cry. Every top has a beautiful silvery dribble trail over the shoulder and necklines have become stretched beyond recognition. You no longer use all those lovely handbags in your wardrobe because everything gets thrown in the changing bag. You have become a master at one handed eating and can cook, clean and entertain baby with a wiggle dance at the same time. When you’ve been kept up all night, screamed at all day and are at the pit of exhaustion – but as soon as you see that gorgeous little face looking back at you with a big gummy smile none of the above matters one iota!! – Andi Seago

When you find yourself humming the songs from the endless baby bouncers, swings, gyms etc – Louise Mackenzie


You know you’re a mummy when you’re out shopping without the baby and start pushing the trolley back and forth every time you stop like it’s the pushchair – Steph Clayton

When not peeing yourself when you sneeze is a big accomplishment – Leonie barker

You’re crouched down sweeping up crumbs and your toddler decides to squirt her bottle of milk down your ass crack – Coral Williams

When you find a matted clump of sick in your hair in the middle of Tesco – Lucy Smith

You continue to watch Paw Patrol even when he is asleep just so you can find out what happens – Rachael Jamieson

We hope you’ve enjoyed these – and don’t forget to add your own in the comments below!

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