We think that the idea of a ‘Postnatal Shower’ makes a lot more sense than a ‘Baby Shower’…
Disagree? Well, read on, and you might change your mind. We’re all for the postnatal shower now, and think that this could be a total game-changer, especially if you’re a first time mum!
A baby shower is, above and beyond, a party.
Yeah, it’s bucket loads of fun, with hilarious games, quizzes, cakes, and all manner of other goodies to enjoy with your family and friends to celebrate the imminent arrival of your baby, but it absolutely goes without saying that no one wants to kill your buzz by talking about the exhausting sleepless nights, hours upon hours of cluster feeding, haemorrhoids and leaky boobs to come, right? A postnatal shower would mean that there’s no inhibitions when it comes to REAL TALK, factoids and tips that will actually help you so much more than fluffy rose-tinted sentiment!
Another point is that, whilst you’ll probably have a good attendance at the baby shower and those first few days after the birth (everyone loves a pregnant woman and a newborn, right?), those lovely people will be a lot more useful after your baby is here… As lovely as clothing, toys and hampers for your new baby are as gifts, a postnatal shower would mean that you could ask for gifts that are actually useful and not going to completely swamp your house (I’m looking at YOU, Johnsons baby toiletry sets!!!!!) like…
- Bulk prepped frozen dinners to get you through the first few weeks
- Haemorrhoid cream and a ring to sit on (yes, really)
- Breast pads
- 30 minutes to have a shower
- Heck, make that 60 minutes to have a nap
A postnatal shower could be the best of both worlds and actually have more perks…
- You can still play games… Perhaps ‘put the nappy on the newborn so mummy can have a hot cup of tea’? Or ‘the fastest person to finish a chore wins a bottle of wine’?
- If everyone brings a dish and a bottle of something, you could still have a great buffet!
- Everyone gets to meet your baby in one sitting as opposed to you having to make space in your diary for multiple different visits…
- You can regale your birth story to everyone all at once instead of repeating yourself about 1000 times…
- You can actually kick back and talk about postpartum poops, labia tears, how crazy you acted on gas and air, and all of the other less than pretty things, without killing anyone’s buzz.
What do you think? Yay, or nay, for the postnatal shower?
Would it be acceptable to throw both…? It’s worth a try! Tell us your thoughts in the comments.
Love from Katie & Team BBY. Xx