If maternity leave is approaching, you may be looking for ways to enjoy this precious time off.
(In between preparing for a new baby and resting. Oh, and giving birth. Then all the other bits that come with motherhood…)
Lots of new mummies find that they turn to technology to occupy them through the hours of cluster feeding, late night feeds, and ‘fourth trimester’ where your baby will NOT want to be off you. I tell you with utmost honesty, the early days of motherhood gave the term ‘Netflix and chill’ an entirely NEW meaning. I tell every expectant mama to invest in some plush pillows, soft blankets, a subscription to Netflix (and/or Amazon Prime, Hulu, Now TV etc) and snacks. Lots, and lots of snacks. Enjoy the snuggles, and use this as an opportunity to become a cinematic aficionado (and establish breastfeeding if you’re a boober)!
We’ve chatted with the parents in our community about what they loved to watch, which genres they leaned towards most, and why – this should help you get your ‘must watch’ list ready in preparation for your maternity leave.
First question… Which genre is best for pregnant ladies & new mummies?
I’ll start by saying that there’s no right or wrong answer here. Personally, my hormones couldn’t tolerate anything too emotional or scary. I had to avoid films like ‘Me Before You’ and ‘The Fault in Our Stars’ because I’d burst into hysterical tears within the first few scenes (I still do… damn hormones!). Scary films were an outright no as I didn’t fancy jumping out of my skin and going into labour, but braver mummies might be able to cope better than me!
We asked the mummies in our group to vote… It’s pretty clear to see that comedy is the top genre recommended! We were told that;
- ‘Funny films and shows are best when you’re feeling hormonal – they cheer you up loads.’
- ‘Not a fan of horror films at the best of times, especially when I was pregnant! I was worried I’d jump out of my skin and my waters would break haha!’
- ‘Action films were always my go-to because they’re so entertaining and gripping, it’s hard to get bored watching an action film.’
Which films are best to watch on maternity leave?
We had lots of different films suggested, and from looking, the majority are ‘fluffy’ films – a mix of Disney, comedy, and fantasy, light hearted and feel-good. There’s some action/fantasy thrown in there, with Harry Potter coming out in the lead by far. We think this is the nostalgia factor; we tend to feel more sentimental when we’re expecting/a fresh new mama, so the classics are like a comfortable pair of jeans – reliable and fail safe.
As for the ‘anything with Channing Tatum’ option… I can’t say I disagree, ladies! 21/22 Jump Street and Magic Mike are some I’d personally recommend.
Which box sets are best to watch on maternity leave?
Well OF COURSE Friends came out on top here! I’d have been worried if it hadn’t, because it’s such a classic. The results overall show that our mummies favour nostalgia (like with films above) – golden oldies and classic hits like Friends, How I Met Your Mother, Pretty Little Liars and Desperate Housewives never get old (amongst the others)! We’re not surprised to see Call The Midwife in there either. I remember watching every single episode back to back when I was pregnant – the day after my positive result, I lay in bed crying binge watching this whilst eating McDonalds!
So the jury is out… The classics will never let you down, but there’s some pretty good newer stuff out too. Jane The Virgin is AMAZING!
Which streaming platforms can I sign up for and what are the costs?
There are quite a few streaming platforms to choose from; here’s a little info on each, and their costs.
- Netflix – you get 30 free days upon signing up. Basic costs £5.99 a month (1 sign in), Standard costs £7.99 a month (2 sign ins), Premium costs £9.99 a month (4 sign ins). You can get HD streaming with Standard and Premium, and Ultra HD with premium.
- Amazon Prime – this costs £7.99 a month after a free trial and also includes Prime delivery. Perfect for late night shopping during looong feeds!
- Now TV – you can get a 7 day free trial. Costs vary as you can customise which packages you add on – we love Now TV!
So there we have it – our big fat list of the best genres, films and box sets to enjoy whilst you’re taking precious time out to cherish your final days of pregnancy, and those tender first months of motherhood. Please, put your feet up, snuggle your new arrival, and enjoy.
The chores can wait.
Love from Katie. Xx