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What Lies Beneath...

Written by Jenna Deacon for her Facebook blog, The Tale of The Twins & The Terrible Two – Stay At Home Mum Blog!

OK, so I’ve thought (more accurately described as overthought) about doing this post for sometime now & I ALWAYS wimp out. Thinking just like the rest of us, publicly exposing my flaws just seems plain bloody nuts; but the one thing I set out for this blog to be, was honest.

Uploading photos of myself in various outfits at different angles technically doesn’t make me honest, it’s me appearing different/somewhat improved! It’s me showing you what I want you to see, masking the truth if you will. This is my biggest bugbear of the parenting world, I feel so strongly about it I couldn’t tell you! Whilst overall I’m incredibly proud of myself in terms of where I’m at with my weight in such a short space of time (I birthed 3 babies in 18 months), I’m also incredibly UNHAPPY with what I’m left with.

I regularly see posts pop up on my feed; of postpartum tummies, women embracing/celebrating their stretch marks, scars & stretchy skin…truth is I couldn’t be more jealous. I’ve never had the luxury of being at peace with my body & I’m beginning to wonder if I ever will. I’m the slimmest I’ve ever been & weigh just short of 4 stone less than I did before I was even pregnant with my first child! Yet each & every time I look at this tummy a little piece of me dies. It’s stretched, it’s scarred & generally looks like I’ve been tied in a knot & put on an extra dry cycle in the tumble dryer!

I’ve been truly blessed with the gift of children & I wouldn’t change it for the world. I’d take the stretch marks all day long, but 19 months in I’m beginning to realise that some things just can’t be fixed (naturally anyway ) & this is in-fact what I’m stuck with (I’m skint )!

I started this blog in a bid to bring our attitudes/opinions as parents together, to encourage others to feel comfortable enough to discuss the more challenging/unspoken sides of parenting. So by wimping out I feel like I’m going against everything I initially set out to do, so I’ve decided to man up!

Nobody’s perfect, none of us are 100% happy with our bodies & not everything is as it appears on the surface! So there you have it, it’s done… here’s what lies beneath!

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