Heeeellooooo Mummies and Daddies to beeeeeee!
So, if you’re anything like me. When you find out you’re pregnant or find out the gender of your baby, you feel like you should buy EVERYTHING just in case. Sometimes things are bought because you don’t really know any different being a new parent. But there ARE some things you may want to avoid.
Nine months ago, I had my daughter. As a new parent, I bought everything you could possibly think of, from nappies to expensive furniture for her nursery.
Little did I know……
A) I was going to successfully breastfeed – Therefore I didn’t need bottles or a huge steriliser. I almost bought a Perfect Prep when I was just about to give birth too.
B) How quickly my tiny baby would grow – Born 7lbs 5oz and at six weeks, weighing 11lbs 3oz!
C) After 2 or three weeks I wouldn’t bother with her changing table – Or her bedroom in general (we bed-share following Lullaby Trust guidelines).
So I’m going to show you what other Mum’s from our Facebook group have told me that they didn’t really use and why they feel you should probably avoid them.
Scratch Mitts
These do and do not have their perks. My daughter never really used them but I did buy sleep suits with them already built into them. Some other parents actually used them as socks instead.
Bottle Warmer
I haven’t personally used this, but Mummies over on our Facebook group have told me this is one of the top things they haven’t used since becoming new parents. If you’re breastfeeding, you’re unlikely to have a need for one as even when expressing you can bring milk to room temperature easier. Many formula feeding mums told us they use the Perfect Prep to ensure bottles are at drinkable temperature too.
Nappy Bin
Now, I had one of these for about a month in our bedroom. It came with a free refill but when it came towards the end and we needed to replace it, we weren’t willing to pay the same price over and over again. Instead, we just bought a normal bin and used carrier bags which worked just as well. It was great at the time because we only paid a very small fee at a baby event, but I wasn’t too keen on the up keep of it.
Baby Bath
I hold my hands up to this one. My husband bought me a Winnie the Pooh one and I can honestly say I never used it! As I breastfed, I found it much easier to cradle hold my baby whilst I sat sideways, so she could latch on and I could wash her without any tears or fidgeting. #MummyWin.
Baby Shoes
Now, I know some parents like to dress their child up from head to toe, and that’s okay. But if you’re anything like me, where ever you go your child will have her little socks on and the biggest, fluffiest blanket you could imagine. So for me personally, there wasn’t much point putting on boots as well.
Talc Baby Powder
Hands up who has heard all those horror stories about using talc? Me! Thankfully in the UK this scare doesn’t actually affect us due to using different chemicals compared to the US. I chose to not use it as I found my daughter didn’t really need it. But you may, so if it helps then feel free. It’s also a godsend if you suffer with “hot” boobies!
Changing Table
When I bought my changing table, I was clueless to what else was out there. So I got a really simple, plain and boring table. When I told other Mummies.. They were shocked. Shocked because they’d actually bought a changing table that was also a dresser! Now this makes more sense! I don’t bother with our table now, I’m lazy and I just change her wherever we are!
I haven’t ever personally bought one of these. I had a swing that sang lullabies and rocked her to sleep. It was great until she was about 4 or 5 months and she had learnt to wriggle! You can buy really pretty bean bags and some parents actually love them, but this was rated just shy of 130 votes. So it isn’t a hit with most parents.
Door Bouncer
A door bouncer is something I’ve thought about. I especially fancied a Tigger door bouncer as I am completely MAD for everything Winnie the Pooh! But instead I bought a Finding Nemo Jumperoo, something I have found other Mummies have preferred too. If you haven’t bought either yet, I’d definitely recommend buying a Jumperoo!
Small 120ml Bottles

Click image for source.
When it comes to bottles, I am not the best person to seek advice from. I have exclusively breastfed for almost 10 months and never established bottle feeding but 150 people thought that tiny bottles were a bit pointless.
So there you have it. The top 10 things parents don’t think you should buy. If you have already bought them or fancy buying them anyway, then that is fine. A few members of our group vouched for certain things that were listed, so what works for some may not always work for another. But who knows? Being a new parent is pretty daunting and very stressful.
Good luck with you pregnancy and enjoy your new baby!
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