Hands up, who loves Adult Swim? Me and my partner are HUGE fans, and before we conceived our little boy, we spent hours replaying this video, howling with laughter… not realising HOW DAMN ACCURATE IT IS.
In case you’re wondering – Adult Swim is a programming block of Cartoon Network, oriented towards adult humour. Search them in Youtube, you won’t be disappointed!
I mean, we knew that babies are turd, pee and puke machines, and that we’d be elbow deep in shitty nappies, but hoooooly moly, this video is basically Max for the first year of his life, especially the demonic puking. Things have improved somewhat, apart from a phase of pooing all over the house and garden this past summer.
If you have a baby who is a satanic weapon of noxious bodily fluids, you’re not alone. Tell us your worst poonami/wee shower/projectile vomit story in the comments!
Love from Katie. Xx