Lianne Harris for her blog, Mrs Mummy Harris.
You can follow her on Facebook and Twitter!
Yesterday I wrote about our afternoon meal at the weekend. Disclaimer: Nan if you’re reading this, I wasn’t offended… ok I was, but I understand your comment is down to a generation gap.
I digress. So, we’re out eating our food and I comment that we’re on the last box of formula for Ben and couldn’t believe it was another baby thing that is ending (He currently has a combination of both as we’re weaning him off so its not a shock to his system.)
My Nan took it that at 15 months we’re stopping all milk completely. I clarified that he’ll still be having cows milk, but it was the formula he would be stopping. My Nan then remarked that she “wouldn’t know as she only used the best stuff.’
Yep… you guessed it. This is a breast vs bottle post. Soz guys, you’ve probably been inundated with them all but I felt like an updated post from me was needed. I wrote previously about my naivety to the breast vs bottle argument. I was uneducated on the topic and saw formula as a lazy option, I didn’t consider the fact that there are so many variables as to why breastfeeding just wouldn’t work for both mum and baby.
- Sore or cracked nipples
- Not enough breast milk
- Breast engorgement
- Baby is not latching on properly
- Too much breast milk
- Breastfeeding and thrush
- Blocked milk duct
- Mastitis
- Breast abscess
- Breastfeeding and tongue tie
My personal story is that after months of boobfeeding with nipple shields (Ben refused to latch without them), I suffered from mastitis which reduced my milk flow. Ben’s appetite increased to 41oz a day which I couldn’t sustain. Izzy Judd has opened up on Instagram about this which I think is great.
We need to raise awareness that Boob-feeding isn’t always straightforward and easy. Sometimes perseverance pays off but in my situation, the cycle of boob feeding and pumping mixed with a hungry baby meant that night times I only had 40 minutes bursts of sleep before the milk machine was required! In the end, my Post-Natal Depression won and I couldn’t face it anymore.
Out came the Tommee Tippee Prep Machine and I would be lying if I said it was easy to get over the fact that I wasn’t breastfeeding anymore. The mum guilt was hard to swallow. I spent nine months growing this child in my tummy not eating certain things and taking vitamins to ensure my child got the best start and then I fell at the last hurdle. I felt so bad and was so hard on myself.
But do you know what? Bottle Feeding is NOT a bad thing, its not a second best to breast milk. Do you know what the only difference between bottle and boob is? The antibodies that help boost the Childs immune system. That is it.
The fact that formula has come on leaps and bounds over the years means it is tarnished with the old opinion of second best with some generations, however it is all a matter of opinion. So what do I think is the best way to feed a child?
To do just that. Feed them. It doesn’t matter if it’s boob or bottle or even tubes! All that matters is that they’re being fed