For all the new Mummies and Mummies to be out there, have you found that with being pregnant or having a baby now, you’ve begun to see your friends that you used to talk to or even see dwindle?
I know the feeling. They were all excited to hear you were pregnant and can’t wait for your little one to be here. Now further on in the pregnancy they have invited you out and you have more than likely said no as your exhausted. Everyone knows growing a human being inside your can be tiring right?
Not all of your friends will understand how you feel as they haven’t experienced pregnancy themselves yet. You feel so tired, fed up and want to be your old energetic self again.
But trust me, that will never come close to the feeling of having your own little baby in your arms. All of those friends who wanted to meet your little bundle of joy are now not talking to you or they are too busy to see you and that does make you feel shit. Knowing all your friends are busy party away and can’t be bothered with you any more.
being up a godly hours waking up to do your mummy duties to your bundle of joy.
As your baby gets older, you’re in the house 24/7, only talking to this little human , who
company, adult conversations.
I know how you all feel, my anxiety is taking over me and my support worker told me to
It is a huge step getting out the house for your little one. I know….
So I decided to join a group called mummy social where you see who is about your
talk to them. Lucky enough for me I’ve made a mummy friend out of it. She’s managed to get me out of the house to play groups and to meet other mummy’s.
So I know your too scared to meet other mummy’s just in case they judge you, they