We give you the greatest gift of all,
a headstart that will last throughout your life
We shall do our best to teach you,
but it will be up to you to learn.
We shall try to guide you in the right directions,
but it will be up to you to make the right decisions.
We shall also encourage you to seek your own independence,
but it will be up to you to be responsible.
We shall tell you about ‘drink and drugs’,
but it will be up to you to say ‘no’
We shall teach you about respect,
but you will choose whether to appreciate it’s value.
We shall encourage you to try,
but you should want to succeed for yourself.
We shall teach you kindness,
but it will be up to you to be good natured.
We shall teach you to share,
but it will be up to you to be unselfish.
We shall model values for you.
but you have to develop your own morals.
We give you this knowledge as a gift with all our love.
Author unknown – please contact us for credit.