Written by Alannah McClurg for her Instagram blog, Just a Mum.
In this day and age I feel there’s an unspoken expectation of capturing every special moment with your child, as if your memory won’t be good enough. I’m unsure where this desire originated from, and I can’t decide if it’s a good or a bad thing…
As a person I’m generally a loving soul and use photos and videos to cheer myself up on my worst days, photos of Daddy and our son make me swoon (and a little broody, especially the first squishy photos). But after I look at the hundreds of photos I’ve taken of my other half and everyone else with my son I realise how few I possess of myself and Harvey, which makes me sad again. I mean I have plenty of selfies and staged photos with Harvey, with about fifty outtakes because of one reason or another, but I don’t have those beautiful, candid, in the moment photos to look at.
This is mostly down to me as I can be quite insecure about my appearance which IS something I’ve been trying to work on. I believe we get too caught up with how we look in photos or at certain times, making us reluctant to have our photos taken, when in reality why should we? It annoys me that when we left the hospital after having Harvey I refused, and I mean point blank refused, to have my photo taken because I looked like shit and now I’m kicking myself for it!
I’m not one for doing my makeup every day, and I don’t think most folk are either. One day we will look back on the photos we have and what will you be more angry about: the fact your hairs a mess and you haven’t washed your face or the fact there are so very few REAL photographs of you and your baby?
Who knows anyway, maybe your partner has a secret photo album of beautiful, natural moments of your baby he’s just not telling you about, she said hopefully!