If you’re in need of a sit down and a cuppa, why not settle baby into their swing/bouncer and put on some baby sensory videos?
Even if you’re not a fan of screentime, 15 minutes or so is a great way for you to get a breather and give your baby some new sensory stimulation. Luckily for you, there are scores of highly rated videos on Youtube, and I’ve seen pretty much every single one by this point.
What are the benefits of baby sensory videos?
This scientific research shows that the more stimulation a baby is given, the faster their neurons increase in number and specialisation. This has great prospects when it comes to motor skills and sensory perception!
Baby sensory videos can also help to soothe and relax unsettled little ones – if your baby is colicky or refluxy, you might find that you get some respite, especially if your baby is sat slightly upright in a baby bouncer/chair!
Here is my go to playlist...
Baby Sensory Rainbow by Hey Bear
This is one of our favourites. We love the simple shapes with the dark background and the bright, high contrast colours moving around the screen to the rhythm of the music, too. At over 11 million views, it’s safe to say that other parents & babies love this sensory video!
Tiny Adventures TV – Into The Jungle
Max was enraptured by the simple animated animals, bugs and trees in this. The dark background and high contrast colours make this video easier to watch for little ones as their eyesight isn’t fully developed in the early days.
The Very Hungry Caterpillar – Animated Film
This classic has been made into a short animated film – we think that the colours and gentle movements of the animation make this a perfect video. The soothing voice of the narrator gives it brownie points too!
Little Baby Bum – Nursery Rhymes
These classic nursery rhymes give this video an added sensory benefit; they’ll provide extra auditory stimulation, and as hearing speech helps our babies to develop their own speech, this is a great watch.
Newborn Sensory Video by tmxSTi
This simple video uses black, white, red and green patterns and simple animation – it claims to settle irascible newborns instantly, and looking at the comments, it’s a hit! We tried this with a colicky Max and it definitely helped.
Caribu – Underwater Glowing Baby Sensory Video
Another favourite in our house, this calming marine themed video is so calming to watch and gives baby a sensory experience with the colours, gentle movements and music.
This baby sensory video is beautifully made, with gorgeously detailed animation, peaceful colours, and it’s own backing song that will no doubt have you singing along!
This 2 hour video of soft, soothing instrumental lullabies is animated using high contrast hypnotic graphics – I had to stop watching it after a few minutes as I felt myself nodding off, it’s incredibly relaxing to watch as well as stimulating baby’s vision. I definitely rate this, as do 111 million other viewers!
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