Written by Jasmin Manley
Following a normal pregnancy and a fairly normal delivery after being induced, me and my partner couldn’t wait to take our little boy home. We weren’t too sure how we wanted to feed him so we thought we’d give breastfeeding a try. The midwives said he had a fantastic latch and was feeding well.
However, after we’d been home a couple of days, we noticed that he was very unsettled when feeding and would scream for 4 hours or more every evening and vomit sometimes. We contacted our health visitor who advised that he was still feeding well and that “babies just cry.”
After 4 weeks, we were really struggling and were desperate for help. We had previously contacted a lactation consultant who advised that my son had a tongue tie and we should consider getting it cut. So, our health visitor arranged the appointment but we had to wait another 2-3 weeks for it.
During this time, the screaming got worse and so did the vomiting. I called the health visitors and they suggested we switch to comfort milk, as it could be colic. I was absolutely gutted to stop breastfeeding but thought that this was the best thing for him, so we switched. This did not help at all and made him constipated.
Following the tongue tie procedure, we tried to mixed feed in order to try and build my supply back up so we could go back to exclusively breastfeeding. But he was now bringing up most of his feeds.
After roughly 8 weeks of hell, we took our son to the GP who mentioned reflux. This was the first we’d heard of it, but as soon as she told us the symptoms, we felt an immediate sense of relief as we finally had answers. Now we could get the help our son needed.
After taking infant gaviscon, ranitidine and Omeprazole at one time or another, our son is now a happy, healthy 4 month old who has grown out of his reflux.
Now we feel like we can finally enjoy our baby.