When you have small children, you will come to realise that mornings can’t always run as smoothly as you’d like. Mornings aren’t exactly the easiest time of the day for mummies, ESPECIALLY when there are multiple children involved. However I do have some useful tips which may help you get out the door every morning as quickly and efficiently as possible. From one Mummy to another, here are my five fail safe morning hacks.
Text yourself reminders for the morning!
1.You may feel crazy texting yourself but if it works then who cares? Is there something you need to remember for the morning that you absolutely cannot forget, something insanely important like the kids gym gear or dinner money? Text yourself a reminder whilst in bed and don’t open it until the morning, you wouldn’t believe how many times this little trick has saved my life.
Preparation really is the answer!
2. It may sound obvious, but honestly, do as much as you possibly can the night before, even if you feel like you can’t be bothered you’ll thank yourself the following morning. Get the kids to pack their bags the night before, make sure the packed lunches are made up the night before, and have all of the clothes laid out ready to go. This will save so much time and frantic running about in the morning. Organisation is the key to an easier life!
Motivational morning music!
3. This has to be my favourite tip to practice. Make a morning playlist. Do your little ones struggle to get up and ready for school on a morning? Why not try making them a playlist of their favourite songs to listen to to help them along the way? That way they’ll be much more enthusiastic about starting the day. And the chances are, so will you.
Leave the best until last!
4. Leave getting dressed until last. This is an absolute must, if you don’t already practice this tip then It’s time to start. This means you don’t have to worry about spilling breakfast down those uniforms or baby wear, or toothpaste for that matter. This definitely minimises stress for parents.
Baby wipes by the door (best thing you’ll ever do)
5. Another top tip is to leave baby wipes right by the door. That way you can give the little ones a quick wipe down before they leave the house, also great for conquering muddy shoes.
Do you have any morning life hacks? Let me know over in the Bump, Baby and you Facebook Group!