Written by Bethany Dempsey for her blog, You Forgot My Sauce.
You can follow her on Facebook here!
It’s the most wonderful time of the year…
Visions of my toddler happily sitting on Santa’s knee (actually no longer allowed due to safeguarding laws), giggling and being given presents…
But just for a second can we all talk about taking children under 18 months to see Santa?
I need to know what the deal is because quite frankly I feel I have no Santa etiquette whatsoever. I thought this year would be easier than last (Oscar was four months old but we were the overly excited first Christmas family), but frankly… it wasn’t.
We queue, and we’re eventually ushered in by an elf who honestly looked like she’d enjoyed the festivities far too much – I’m talking lots of Baileys and lots of mince pies. Santa asks a bunch of questions to my child, who is clearly unable to answer so I then have to. But do l answer the questions as Oscar? Or as me? I’m unsure. It’s awkward.
Santa: Have you been a good boy this year?
Me: No, no you haven’t, have you Oscar?
Santa: What do you want for Christmas then?
It’s already awkward
Me: A wooden spoon would be great wouldn’t it Oscar?
Seriously could you help me out a little?
Santa: Can you find my magical elf?
Me: Is that a euphemism?
Gingy: Not the place Beth
OK we just need to get out of here now.
Turns out the magical elf was on top of the camera, which in turn takes your family photo… I’ll let you take from the photo what you will, but I have a funny feeling that Santa’s not so welcome in our house just yet.