Written by Alannah McClurg for her Instagram blog, Just a Mum.
It’s been 6 months since Harvey came earth side, and it’s been one hell of a journey, so for any new parents who feel like they’re lost, I understand.
I know you’re tired, angry, sad and scared all at once, but it does get better.
I know those sleepless nights seem like they’re never going to end and you’ll never sleep longer than an hour and a half, but it does get better.
I know it seems like he’s crying constantly, whether that’s due to colic or a bad dream or hunger or whatever, it does get better.
I know your mood seems like it’ll never pick up and you never see the joy in things anymore, but it does get better. I know that you feel like everyone is on your case for some reason or another, but it does get better.
I know this all feels like an uphill battle and you’re the only one fighting, but honestly it does get better. It gets so much better.
As a parent, every day has its challenges and its ups and downs. Some days will be worse than others, but even your hardest of days have 24 hours and every day comes to an end. Trust me when I tell you this, you have got this under control. One day he will sleep right through, one day he’ll tell you what’s wrong, one day you will feel like a new person, and one day everything will fall into place.
Just be patient, breathe and remember you are one hell of an amazing parent ❤️.