Wooohooo! It’s International Babywearing Week 2017!
What is this week all about, you ask? Well…
“…An annual outreach event sponsored by Babywearing International, International Babywearing Week (IBW) is a week-long opportunity to celebrate, promote, advocate for, and focus media attention on the many benefits of babywearing.” (Babywearing International)
What exactly is babywearing and what are the benefits?
Babywearing is the principle of keeping your young babies close to you – it’s deeply entrenched in positive attachment theory and one of the main tenets of attachment parenting.
The benefits…
- Physical closeness to baby which can keep them calm and content. This releases oxytocin in both mama and baby which is fab for building a positive attachment!
- Easy access for breastfeeding on the go.
- You can do housework and errands without baby crying for some lovin’!
Our followers LOVE babywearing! Here are some of them showing off their little ones in their slings!

Aimee Pulford

Alex Robson

Briony Millar

Cassie-Marie Abrahams

Donna Marie Oliver

Elsa Rose McIntyre

Hayley Messenger

Joanna Johnston

Jodie Pescod

Katie Alice

Laura Howe

Laura Howe

Louise-Patrica Dalby

Marnie Mollins

Marnie Mollins

Partner of Marnie Mollins

Marnie Mollins

Marnie Mollins

Roxanne Pratt

Sarah Mae Bennett

Sarah Mae Bennett

Sarah Mae Bennett

Tessa Parker

Toni Sutherland
Where can I get a sling/carrier?
Most retailers stock them… Argos, Amazon, Mothercare… these 3 retailers have a huge range of slings and carriers! They don’t tend to be massively expensive either. However, from experience you get what you pay for so it’s always worth considering the pricey ones if you intend on baby wearing longterm.
Mother & Baby Awards 2017
The Ergobaby Bundle of Joy 360 took the gold Mother & Baby award for the best carrier/sling. It costs £139 at Amazon, you can buy it here! Worth every penny for excellent quality and strength.
How do I use it safely?
Tell us why YOU love to babywear in the comments!
Tag us in your babywearing photos on instagram with the hashtag #bumpbabyyou to appear on the stream at the bottom of our homepage!
Love from Katie! Xx