Written by Claire Ferguson for her blog, Cailyn’s Mummy.
You can follow her on Facebook here, and Instagram here.
So a few nights back Cailyn choked for the first time and for a split moment I thought …….
What do I do?
I remember first aid classes and passing, I remember reading things and thinking it will be ok, that will never happen.
Then I had a baby…..
I saw a few posts about baby first aid etc and screenshot the information.
@adventuresofblw have the best info
So please give her a follow!
Loud & red – let them go ahead
Silent & blue – they need you
I knew it would be helpful even just to know but to actually think… “fuck she’s blue, ok, what do I do? How do I stop this and help her?” Ultimately saving her life?
The Baby Center have the best diagram choking advice! It’s quick, it’s simple, and straight to the point so please make sure you’ve got the knowledge as you might need it one day!
When it happened I had a moment of complete blankness, didn’t know what was the correct way to help.
Then something clicked and I grabbed her, went to her kitchen and watched the clock on the microwave while I was already calling 999.
I slapped her back (to put it politely) and with every slap I was hoping it would stop, her little face so upset and blue, trying to cry and look up at me for help!
She wanted cuddles not to be slapped and flung forward……
Broke my heart!!
For the two whole minutes which seemed like longer, it was literally the worst mum moment of my 9 months being Cailyn’s mummy!
When the ambulance crew turned up she was back to normal, clinging onto me like my little bear cub. She was super sleepy but they checked her over and she was totally fine, alert and responses were good!
They praised my efforts and said I did the right thing, knowing really does make the difference!
So even if you think like me and think that it may never happen … please take the time to get clued up as it may not be your child but you might be able to help someone else’s.
Thank you to everyone who took the time to send thoughtful messages and read my Instagram stories – I posted some information on the above sites!
It really means a lot that complete strangers are there for you 100% it’s super sweet and I really do love my Instagram family!
You guys are the best!!!
Claire @cailynsmummy
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