When children come home at the end of the day,
the question they’re asked as they run out to play
is ‘tell me what you did today.’
And the answer they give makes you sigh with dismay,
‘Nothing, I did nothing today!’
Perhaps ‘nothing’ means that I read a book,
Or… with a teacher I got to cook.
Maybe I painted a picture of blue,
Or heard a story of a mouse that flew.
Maybe I wrote in my journal myself,
Or found a great book on the library shelf.
Maybe I helped a friend today,
Or went to my favourite area alone,
Maybe today was the very first time
That my scissors followed a very straight line,
Maybe I sang a song right to the end,
Or worked with a special brand new friend.
When you’re three, four or five your heart has wings
And ‘nothing’ can mean so many things.
Author unknown.