Written by Jenna Deacon for her Facebook blog, The Tale of The Twins & The Terrible Two – Stay At Home Mum Blog!
Go Deborah!
It’s the Deborah’s of this world that are the real supermums (in my personal opinion of course), not afraid to admit that they hadn’t quite prepared themselves for how overwhelmingly difficult parenting can get!
These mums make the best mums, because they are comfortable in their own skin (personal opinion once again…maybe I should think about becoming a little less opinionated? )!
This doesn’t mean I’m judging you because you’re not voicing your opinionated loudmouth & enjoying blending your own organic produce!! This simply means that nobody should be made to feel any less of a parent because they are prepared to open up & be honest!
So to all you Deborah’s out there… UNITE & help others to feel confident enough to become a Deborah. Life’s too short & time goes too fast to worry about others judging our decisions, we’re all in this together!!!