The first time that we felt love for you, you were two blue lines, blaring out against the stark white test.
Blue became our favourite hue instantly, the very best.
Then we saw you on the screen, a grey-blue silhouette and a flickering heart.
We’d thought that we couldn’t love you any more before… this was only the start!
The sonographer pointed out your boy parts, and we went from two blue lines to #teamblue!
Max, I’ll never forget how magical it felt knowing growing in my tummy was YOU!
In what feels like the blink of an eye, you were born, screaming and roaring.
The midwife wrapped you up and placed you on me whilst I was sewn up, my heart was soaring…
Then you opened your eyes.
Blue, just like the colour of the skies, and just like the two blue lines…
Every time I look into your beautiful eyes, I am reminded of the explosion in my chest and the goosebumps I felt that fateful January night,
When two blue lines appeared, lovely and bright.
Max, Me & daddy love you immeasurably.
Pregnancy is miraculous – often rose tinted, granted – but it’s truly magical how we go from two blue lines to two blue (or green/brown/hazel/grey) eyes in such a short space of time. Cherish your little ones, as we are SO lucky to have them!
Love from Katie. Xx
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