Wednesday 3rd January is the Festival Of Sleep Day, but what does this really mean for you?
If you’re like me, you may find your sleep is very close to nil. But you somehow survive on coffee, chocolate and fizzy pop, if these weren’t around then who knows who would be looking after the kids!
The Festival of Sleep Day was created for people that would like to get some “shut eye” and relaxation after the holidays.
After all that Christmas stress, with gift deadlines, food preparation and wrapping. Then New Year food prep, outfit prep and celebrating, it’s now time for “Sleep Land”.
How do you celebrate?
As i’ve already said, you may not benefit from this years festival due to a colicy, teething or energetic baby. But, here are some ways to make the most of your night:
- Fresh bedding – change your bedding to something fresh, comfortable and soft.
- Get into your favourite PJs!
- Sleep in, take naps or stay in bed the whole day.
It’s as simple as that!
Now go get yourself ready to join in on the Festival Of Sleep!
Join the fun at our Facebook group – Bump, Baby and You.
Follow us for updates on Instagram – BumpBabyYou.
Tweet us – Bump, Baby and You.
You can follow my personal account – @BethanyCollings.