There’s been some controversy recently, when it emerged that NHS Chiefs are giving women with a fear of giving birth (tokophobia) – £500 to spend on yoga and massage classes.
As reported in The Sun, the hope is that it’ll give women a better birthing experience, as well as reduce the number of costly C-Section deliveries, with a natural delivery costing around £1,800 less. Suffers are currently eligible for an elective caesarean, so helping mums-to-be feel more prepared to deliver their babies naturally could ultimately save the NHS a significant amount of money in the long run.
Officials from Waltham Forest Clinical Commissioning Group, in London, funded the programme for six patients. Therapies available included yoga, massage, hypnotherapy and fitness courses aimed at boosting mental health and preparing women for having a baby. It now has plans to expand the scheme, so if you suffer from this condition, it’s definitely worth keeping an eye on what’s available in your area!
But the scheme has its critics, despite the fact that Tokophobia is a recognised medical condition, with some labelling it a ‘daft idea’. Tell us what you thin in the comments!