The last 24 hours have been the worst of my life. I have been sat in the children’s hospital watching my baby fight for her life. I cannot even begin to explain how terrifying and powerless I have felt since this all began.
As a first time mum, I admit I have been very over cautious, going to the GP for every little sniffle or cough. For the last few weeks my 11 month old baby girl has been getting over a nasty viral infection and has also been teething ( yes It’s been a tough and very sleepless couple of weeks). I should probably have purchased shares in Calpol and Nelsons teething granules.
So yesterday started out as a normal day, she had a slight temperature so had a dose of Calpol when she woke, drank all 8 oz of her milk and went back to sleep for a couple of hours, which is normal for her.
She was off her food and didn’t wolf down her Readybrek like she normally does, but seemed her happy little self, crawling everywhere, terrorising our cat, the usual. As the day wore on I went to my mums for lunch and baby girl only had a 20 minute nap. However she was still drinking her milk and water really well but was not interested in her food, even a dairy milk button didn’t interest her so I knew she was out of sorts, like her Mummy she looooves some Cadburys!
I was on my way back from the shops, with baby girl in the car seat when things started to go wrong. I kept checking the mirror and all I could see was her little rosy cheeks as she stared out of the window, it wasn’t until I pulled up that I realised she was staring blankly with a fixed gaze and that she was having a seizure, her little mouth mimicking a goldfish as she gasped for air. At that moment everything stopped, I grabbed her out of the carseat, her whole body twitching in my arms. I screamed at my mum to call an ambulance as I tried to clear her airway, large globs of mucus coming away on my fingers and she finally vomited everything up, but was still seizing and unresponsive. Now, I’m a trained nurse and this terrified me beyond words, all my training went out the window as I panicked, until my Dad gave me the verbal smack down I needed so I could save my little girl.
The paramedics were amazing, literally, angels as they made my baby girl as safe as can be, all while reassuring a hysterical mother. I need to publicly acknowledge how amazing they were and I can’t thank them enough for all they did.
We finally arrived at hospital, baby was still unresponsive and not able to breathe on her own. I just remember standing there, feeling lost, amidst a sea of people thinking I can’t lose my baby girl. Eventually after hours of tests interventions from the medical staff, my baby was awake, crying, and wanting her Mummy. I’ve never been more happy to hear her cry in my entire life and would listen to it all day every day as long as she was going to be ok.
Twelve hours on, and we are still here but baby is on the mend! I never expected my baby girl to get poorly, I mean who would? It’s the scariest moment in any parents life, especially when you have got to put the life of your precious baby in somebody else’s hands. I wIll be forever eternally grateful to all the doctors and nurses who helped my baby. I have immense love for the NHS right now.
With love