Cheap & Quick Baby Meal Inspiration
Food is too expensive, let’s face it. However, we can’t feed our kids fresh air, so we are faced with added expense and preparation time once baby starts to wean.
I’ve picked up some tricks along the way and want to share them with YOU to help other families save pennies and time. I enjoy cooking (which really helps) and strongly feel that ANYONE can cook up delicious meals using healthy ingredients for very cheap.
My main tips:
- Try to cook the same meal for everyone where possible – just don’t salt the meal.
- LURK at the supermarket for the hour before closing time – the reduced fridge holds a bounty of goodies that you can freeze for another day.
- Buy a chest freezer if your main freezer isn’t very big. Best investment ever.
- Don’t look down your nose at ‘bargain’ supermarkets – Lidl, Aldi, Iceland, Farmfoods, Fulton Foods et al… they are amazing!
- MEAL PLAN. Try not to deviate.
- Set a strict budget.
- Don’t be drawn in by labels – ‘organic’, ‘non-GMO’, ‘healthiest’… all marketing gimmicks designed to scare consumers into choosing that particular product over standard products.
- Batch cook and freeze!
- Always keep some vegetables in the freezer!
Here are my favourite recipe ideas – aimed for 6 months plus as per the NHS guidelines. If you’re weaning earlier (please don’t unless advised by a paediatrican or dietican, NOT a GP or Health Visitor) I advise getting a good blender, lots of green veg, some coloured veg and some fruit, and trying one at a time to check for allergic reactions. Avoid gluten and dairy before 6 months – baby rice, porridge, rusk etc.
We spend about £60 every 10-14 days, working out at only £120-£180 a month for 2 adults and a toddler. Admittedly there is the odd takeway on top of that but generally speaking we get LOTS of filling and nourishing meals from this budget and we ALWAYS without fail have something we can whip up quickly at short notice. Yeah, we could spend less but we eat lots of meat!
Best supermarket, in my opinion?
Aldi! Hands down.
The beauty of BLW (baby-led weaning) is that the nomming world is their oyster.
As long as food is cut into finger sized pieces, and eating is supervised (oh and no honey!), you’re good to go! Even if they’re still gummy!
Breakfast: toast, crumpets, pancakes, sliced fruit, sliced egg, scrambled eggs… think texture! They WILL make a mess but that is all part of the experience.
Lunch: finger sandwiches with dairylee, cucumber/carrot/pepper sticks, sticks of mild cheese, slices of tender meat, segments of orange.
Dinner: pasta lightly coated in tomato and herb puree is fun for them – particularly spaghetti! Sliced tender meat, healthy baby pitta pizza (recipe here), pinwheels (recipe here), stew/casserole with excess sauce or gravy drained off to allow them to feed themselves with their hands if you’re doing a one-pot-dinner, potato wedges, rice (good for their fine motor skills)… I could literally go on forever. Be adventurous!
ALL of these ingredients are bog standard, no-frills, cheap items you can easily access in any supermarket – if you plan your family’s meals for the week, you can reduce waste and cut costs by feeding everyone the same and just altering baby’s portion by ensuring no salt is added and any choking risks are removed. Simple!