Written by Kim Thursfield for her blog, Kim T Mum of 3.
You can follow her on Facebook and Twitter!
I want to talk about the different stages you go through before you have kids in comparison to after!
Before kids I would make sure I washed my hair every other day, blow dry & straighten it. Style it to look decent. Have it highlighted & cut every 6 weeks. Take hair tablets to help it grow.
After kids I now try to see how long I can go without washing it and if dry shampoo really works. My hair style is the messy bun look but literally! If I have dark roots it doesn’t really matter, I hear they’re in! I constantly go to bed with wet hair just so I don’t wake either child up with the hair dryer.
I used to leave the house with a nice full face of makeup. The full works!
Now, I’m lucky if I manage a bit of mascara and it’s usually plastered on with a splash of baby milk vomit…
I used to love going shopping & checking out the latest bargains, buying some nice new makeup or a new top.
Now, I can barely move to where I want to go with my massive buggy. The 3 year old screaming because shes bored and wants to either run around or for me to buy her something. The only plus side for me on this one is we both enjoy the Disney shop! Unfortunately for the local couriers online is how it goes.
Before kids we used to enjoy a nice film and dinner either in house or going out. Perhaps the odd comedy show or musical. We would hold hands, get a bit tipsy.
Now, erm nothing! A good night in is a cheap bottle of wine and catching up on anything we’ve missed on TV. We’re both too tired to sit through a film. If I contact a member of my family to ask what they’re up to Saturday night I’m pretty sure they think it’s because I’ll ask them to babysit so of course they’re always busy.
Before kids I would watch what I eat and try to be healthy. Maybe do some exercise, keep myself a nice size 12.
Now, I’m lucky if I eat 3 meals a day yet the weight still seems to pile on. I’ve tried weight watchers but that doesn’t happen because I don’t keep track so that’s £11.95 per month coming out of my account. If I do one exercise class a month that’s a bonus!
Before kids Broke…
After kids Broker!