New arrivals from the Bump, Baby & You community May 2017
At HQ we love seeing daily updates from Mummies and Daddies about their labour stories. Not to mention the beautiful pictures that follow, here are just some that we have seen that we wanted to feature!
Name: Leo James Thomas Hill
Weight: 4 1/2 pounds
Birth Time: 16:28PM
Birth Date: 5th May 2017
Mummy’s Name: Amy Cooper
Mummy said: I had my little boy 5 weeks early, we ended up at the hospital to find out that I had preeclampsia, they gave me the choice to have a normal birth however his heart beat was dropping with every contraction that I was getting so I ended up having a caesection.
Name: Mya-Rose
Weight: 6lbs 9oz
Birth Time: 18.29PM
Birth Date: 24th May 2017
Mummy’s Name: Kell Bells
Mummy Said: My beautiful Mya-Rose born Wednesday 24th may 18.29 after 4 tablets to induce labour and finally my water broke, no other help. 12 half hours later she was here as soon as I held her nothing else mattered. Saturday 27th May was our official due date.
Name: Mason Lucas Elliott
Weight: 4lb 15oz
Birth Time: 9.17AM
Birth Date: 27th May 2017
Mummy’s Name: Jenn Clarke
Mummy Said: Considering I was only booked in for a routine growth scan an emergency induction resulted in meeting our second beautiful baby boy 2 weeks early, Mason Lucas Elliott born 27th May at 9.17am weighing 4lb 15oz.
Name: Roman Jay Marson
Weight: 6lbs 9oz
Birth Time: 10:11AM
Birth Date: 11th May 2017
Mummy’s Name: Saamie Maay
Mummy said: We had a 42-hour labour! I was pushing for 2 hours before I needed suction to help him out.
Name: Kaden
Weight: 7lbs 7oz, 20.2 inches long
Birth Time: 9:21AM
Birth Date: 19th May 2017
Mummy’s Name: Allysa Klob
Mummy Said: My water broke at midnight at 38 weeks 3 days. I called the birthing centre and they told me to come in right away so we got everything in the car and left. I got there and checked in and they put me on the monitors and did the test to see if it was my waters and it came up positive. So they got me on antibiotics. At 3:30 am I was already 5cm dilated and my contractions were every 3 minutes. They were getting stronger so I asked for the epidural. By the time the epidural was in I was 8cm. Got checked again around 7am and I was 10cm. At 8:00am I started pushing. His head wouldn’t come through so I had to have an episiotomy and at 9:21 am my little man Kaden was born.
Congratulations to the families above and other parents who had their miracles this May.
If you’re due in June and you’re interested in being featured in next months edition, please email me at [email protected]
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