You sometimes hear of rare and unusual situations that parents are forced into by their new arrivals to stop and drop when their baby is good and ready. But what about when it happens on the M62?
Officers in Merseyside were flagged down by a very worried couple, at junction seven on Tuesday 27th March!
Mother Lisa and baby Clarke are said to be doing well. They were soon escorted to hospital after the quick arrival of their new son.
One of our @NWmwaypolice officers has just been flagged down and helped deliver a baby at Rainhill Stoops! Congratulations to Lisa and Peter and their new baby boy Clarke 7lb 11! All our doing well (Apart from MC18 who needs tea and biscuits now) #Baby #NotJustCrime pic.twitter.com/bVJXLchgcL
— Roads Policing Unit (@MerPolTraffic) March 28, 2018
Everything went perfectly and the couple were escorted to hospital with their new baby.
And the officer, named only as MC18, was fine after his tea and biscuits break after the incident!
A very busy night so far with pursuits, concerns for person in vehicle on the network and MC18 who has just delivered a baby at J7 on the M62