Dear all mummies…
Dear mummy constantly sharing photos of her baby…
Dear mummy who doesn’t put her kids faces on social media…
Dear mummy posting pictures of her successful baby weight loss…
Dear mummy revelling in her tiger stripes and new padding…
Dear mummy hiding away in baggy jumpers, unhappy and insecure…
Dear mummy sitting in a dark room, alone, sobbing…
Dear mummy who is a social butterfly…
Dear mummy who is fucking struggling…
Dear mummy who seems to excel at it all…
Dear mummy who breastfeeds…
Dear mummy who formula feeds…
Dear mummy who feels cool, calm & confident…
Dear mummy who loses her shit on a regular basis…
Dear mummy who lies awake at night crying, feeling that they’re not good enough…
You’re amazing, & you’ve got this. Keep on going.
Love from Katie. Xx
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