It’s the 27th of December. Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day are done.
Presents manically unwrapped. Paper and new toys strewn everywhere. Too much food eaten… and too much food wasted.
So much merriment and festivity – and then the 27th hits us like a brick wall. What even IS the weird period of time between Christmas and the New Year? What are we meant to do…? It’s like being stuck in some sort of depressing limbo!
Here are 5 things that parents tend to HATE about the dreaded post-Christmas period of time… can you relate?
Toy Chaos
Does your house look like an explosion in Santa’s workshop? You’re not alone. If not, then good on you, and I bet you’re exhausted by keeping your house looking decent! There is nothing as irritating after Christmas as tripping over toys as well as older toys vying for space, and it’s definitely something lots of our mummies and daddies have been dreading about the post-Christmas period.
The Insane Amount of Rubbish Generated
…Compounded by a late black bin collection in my case! Urgh! The amount of rubbish we’ve amassed is scary, even with careful recycling. I just want to hire a massive skip and get rid of the lot of it so that our post-Christmas period isn’t dominated by mounds of utter crap.
The Kids are STILL Feckin’ Hyper…
The comedown tends to hit the kids a little later than the parents. I think it’s due to the amount of sweets and shite on offer for their scoffing over Christmas, combined with the fact that they’re so wired with excitement over Christmas that the resulting hyperactivity takes what feels like forever to wear off.
Sleep Routines… What Sleep Routines?
If your kid was in a good sleep routine before Christmas, chances are they’re not now! The post-Christmas period, for many parents, is beleaguered by topsy turvy sleep patterns, which is bloomin’ exhausting.
And Finally… Talk of NEXT Christmas Already!
“Next year I want…”, “Next year we could…” OH MY GOD STAAAAHP. I know I was the worst for this as a kid but it’s something that I dread for when Max is old enough. Let’s get New Years, Halloween, Bonfire Night and birthdays out of the way first, kiddo.
What would you add to this list? Tell us in the comments!
Love from Katie. Xx