Written by Amy Hignett for her blog, My Baby & Me.
You can follow her on Facebook and Instagram!
So we all know during this wild ride of ups and downs, tears and laughter, shit and sick we call motherhood, we all just need some things to help our baby brained, sleep deprived, coffee filled minds a little easier! So here are mine;
An absolute must I’m sure all you mamas have! Such a time saver if your baby’s sleep is random and erratic like mine! Sometimes Leo will nap for 20 minutes, sometimes nearly 2 hours! So if you don’t feel like getting your self worked up and pissed off today, screw the shower grab the dry shampoo! My absolute FAVOURITE is the Lee Stafford Coco Loco coconut dry shampoo. It doesn’t leave that horrible flaky white stuff that makes it so obvious you’re wearing dry shampoo and makes it so obvious you haven’t showered lol. It smells amazing and it actually makes your hair feel so clean! I buy mine from Boots.
If you don’t know about this mamas, get to know seriously – it is such a huge must. On those days you have 3 hours sleep and your child is just not co-operating, coffee will get you through. Those days they will stop crying and screaming, make a coffee. If you can’t make one, seriously get yourself to a Costa because it will make your day more bearable. At least it does for me, ha ha. Such a yummy, comforting, creamy caffeine boost – if you have enough of them they make you a little hyper and buzzed!
The good old gram! Instagram (of course very minimal while Leo is awake) gets me through the best and worst days. Connecting with other women and mums is such a great way to get through the hardest days because they are all there with you without even realising it! If I’m struggling I love connecting with other mummies by posting and sharing my feelings and my day. There is so much support and you just feel less alone in this crazy journey and I instantly feel a little better. Motherhood is an unspoken bond so let’s all be there for each other! Even if my day has been too busy or I don’t feel like posting, I still see other mama’s posts on how they’re day has been and knowing they are have a good day will remind me that tomorrow will be better and if I have had a good day I’m buzzing to see others have too. Motherhood is absolutely amazing. So even when I’m having such a good day I love to share it on there and read all about others amazing days too. Please follow my instagram to see my journey! The link is at the top of this page.
My camera is my best friend. I love taking pictures and doing mini shoots of Leo (when he is in the mood to co-operate they usually end up blurred or him smacking me in the face). I love playing with lighting and making him smile, capturing him concentrating or moving. I love taking selfies of us smiling and cuddling. I love editing and I just love everything about it! It truly is such a passion of mine and the only hobby I have ever had! I’m nowhere near a professional (I really wish) I just love playing around with the style I like shooting with which is usually white background/plain/neutral and lots of natural light. This can be difficult because the weather here in Manchester is majority rubbish, especially this time of year so I have to get the right time of day to shoot. It cheers me up on the tough days because I love looking at pictures of Leo!
Concealer – the miracle worker sent from motherhood – makeup heaven! Tired eyes? Concealer. In a rush? Concealer. Lack of sleeping child & no time to get ready? Concealer. People coming over & can’t be bothered getting ready? Concealer. Expecting a delivery? CONCEALER. You get it, concealer is the answer to everything guys. I always find if I have missed Leo’s nap time by cleaning or literally chilling (when I should be getting ready and then moan about it afterwards) and I don’t have time to mess about with makeup, literally I wack on a little concealer and good to go! At the moment My favourite is the Nars Radiant Creamy Concealer in the shade Vanilla. It is SO full coverage and you literally need a small bit! Which is good since it is small and it is a little pricey. But it covers everything you need and makes you look so awake and flawless even on it’s own! I am looking at using the Make up Revolution concealer the new one for £4!!! Such a bargain so if your not after anything expensive then get to superdrug or online try this super cheap one which is apparently amazing! (I bet you’re sick of the word concealer after this one ha ha)
I must have at least 1 pack of baby wipes in every room in the house! They don’t just clean up sick and spit, no no, they clean spills, coffee tables, wipes up crumbs, takes your make up off, cleans your hands – they are literally incredible. I bet all you mamas know about this but I could.not.live.without.these!!
Hats save my ass most days guys. You know the drill, there is only so much speed you can do a shower and make up and get dressed and get everything ready in just one nap time. I can never manage to fit in my hair!! I literally hate hair.! It drives me mad most days, especially those 5 days of unwashed hair – it just doesn’t co operate. Stick a hat on and good to go!! They literally solve all my problems and makes everything so much quicker and easier. I love the Baker boy hats, and I love my woolly pom pom winter hats for this chilly weather too!
All mamas need their uniform right!? For days you’re chilling and walking round the house you just need your mum uniform right?! I hope I’m not the only one! I LOVE either leggings or joggers with just this one over sized jumper I’m completely attached to, I just love it. It is a little embarrassing, I wear it every day, I just can’t part with it unless I need to go out! The simple comfy combo is suitable for every possibility in my day.
Of course the beautiful Netflix we all know and love gets us through doesn’t it! Plenty of entertainment for kids when their toys or your company isn’t doing the trick and lots for families and you to watch. As soon as Leo is in bed Netflix and actual chill is on! It just helps me switch off and relax.
Ahhh, the slow cooker saves me on my busy and lazy days! I LOVE this beauty! Chop some stuff up and wack it in done and dusted in about 10 minutes and served at tea time in about 5 hours! So good when you’re out all day and the kids are hungry. You can all eat together and easy with no cooking to stress about or wait for. Literally I love my slow cooker. My favourite is slow cooked Lamb, with passata, stock, veggies and lots of lovely herbs! Wack it in and cook on low for 7 hours!
An absolute must. I am currently on a journey of leading a positive lifestyle and so far it has worked wonders. Such a life changer. Of course there are bad days when you feel like there is nothing to be positive about and everything you touch turns to shit, but mostly this is all I need in a day! There is always a positive even when you feel like there can’t be!
Remember how lucky you are, remember you’re an amazing parent, you’re beautiful, and if you’re having a shitty day like the world of motherhood likes to bring to challenge us sometimes… remember tomorrow is a new day, every day is a blessing and you can do it!
I hope you connected with this post! I loved writing it and I would you to let me know if you loved reading it!
Thank you for reading,
Amy x