Written by Laura for her blog, The Mummy Listerer.
You can follow her on Facebook and Twitter!
Now don’t pretend you haven’t done it, because I’m sure you have – you’ve sat and watched a friend, family member or random stranger interact with their children, and you’ve judged them on their parenting. Maybe not consciously, or outwardly, but at some point I would bet my last Malteser that you’ve done it. And I love Maltesers.
I know I did before I had a child of my own. And here’s the list of the main things I’d say to my husband that we would never do.
Oh how stupid I was… we broke all of them in the first three months.
1. Drive around aimlessly for hours with your baby in the car to get them to go to sleep / stay asleep.
2. Talk about poo. All the time.
3. Walk around aimlessly for hours with your baby in the pram or sling to get them to go to sleep / stay asleep.
4. Post endless photos of your baby on social media #babyspam.
5. Sit in the car in a car park / driveway / outside someone’s house because your baby is asleep.
6. Wipe your baby’s nose and drool with your finger without thinking twice.
7. Sit glued to the sofa even though you’re desperate for the loo, because your baby is asleep on you.
8. Give your baby a dummy. There’s a reason the Americans call them pacifiers.
9. Go into your baby’s room to soothe them as soon as they stir in the middle of the night.
10. Sit your baby in a jumperoo in front of Peppa Pig on the TV so you have 10 minutes to drink a hot cup of tea.
I wholeheartedly apologise to every parent I have ever judged. I was an idiot. You’re all champions.