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Sepsis in Kids: Symptoms To Look Out For!

Sepsis – Be Aware, Be Prepared

Sepsis is a condition that public awareness of is, thankfully, improving! However, there are still parents out there who aren’t aware of the signs…

What is sepsis?

Sepsis is the rare but extremely dangerous reaction to an infection be it a known or underlying infection.

What are the symptoms in kids under the age of 5?

The NHS website states the following;

“Go straight to A&E or call 999 if your child under 5 has any of these symptoms:

  • looks mottled, bluish or pale
  • is very lethargic or difficult to wake
  • feels abnormally cold to touch
  • is breathing very fast
  • has a rash that does not fade when you press it
  • has a fit or convulsion

Get medical advice urgently from NHS 111

If your child has any of the symptoms listed below, is getting worse or is sicker than you’d expect (even if their temperature falls), trust your instincts and seek medical advice urgently from NHS 111.


  • temperature over 38C in babies under three months
  • temperature over 39C in babies aged three to six months
  • any high temperature in a child who cannot be encouraged to show interest in anything
  • low temperature (below 36C – check three times in a 10-minute period)


  • finding it much harder to breathe than normal – looks like hard work
  • making “grunting” noises with every breath
  • can’t say more than a few words at once (for older children who normally talk)
  • breathing that obviously “pauses”


  • not had a wee or wet nappy for 12 hours

Eating and drinking

  • new baby under one month old with no interest in feeding
  • not drinking for more than eight hours (when awake)
  • bile-stained (green), bloody or black vomit/sick

Activity and body

  • soft spot on a baby’s head is bulging
  • eyes look “sunken”
  • child cannot be encouraged to show interest in anything
  • baby is floppy
  • weak, “whining” or continuous crying in a younger child
  • older child who’s confused
  • not responding or very irritable
  • stiff neck, especially when trying to look up and down

If your child has any of these symptoms, is getting worse or is sicker than you’d expect (even if their temperature falls), trust your instincts and seek medical advice urgently from NHS 111. “

Credit: NHS website

You can learn more about symptoms of sepsis in older children and adults here.

 I hope that is handy information!

Wanting to share your experience of sepsis? Email me at [email protected]!

Love from Katie. Xx

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